NEW 30 Day Challenge PLR- Random Acts of Kindness

NEW 30 Day Challenge PLR- Random Acts of Kindness

New 30 Day Challenges- Random Acts of Kindness PLR Printables

30 Day challenges are very popular among people of all age groups. The easy-to-follow challenge is much better than starting new resolutions of healthy habits and leaving them midway through the year.

Use our 30-day challenges template series to help your customers practice healthy wholesome habits that transform their lives for the better. The first in this series is the 30 Days Random Acts of Kindness Challenge.

This PLR printables pack comes with three different variations of practicing the challenge. You can use any method depending on your comfort level and the season of life you're in.

You will see that 30 days are divided into 10 days, 15 days, and one full month of random acts of kindness.

There is a regular check-in included after every 10 days, 15 days, and 30 days. These check-ins will help you and your customers see the subtle impact of practicing kindness internally as well as externally around them.

These customizable Canva Templates come with a commercial license. The templates are designed in beautiful vibrant pastel colors. You can edit them on the FREE Canva platform as well. Templates come in 2 sizes- A4 and US Letter.

SAVE HOURS creating beautiful downloadable digital products for your website, shop, and coaching clients. 

Your customers and existing clients will love these layouts and get inspiration to be kind, gentle, and compassionate towards others and themselves.

These versatile templates are perfect for any niche. They are designed for busy wellness and health coaches, mindset experts, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and e-commerce shop owners.

You don't have to be a designer to sell beautiful products of your own. Simply edit these templates in FREE or PAID Canva PLATFORM with your brand colors, fonts, and favorite background images.  Add your brand name, save them as PDF, PNG, or JPG and start making money!

An incredibly simple and fast way to increase your income, and grow your email list and your social media following!

Supplement this challenge with our Kindness Project Extension pack listed here-

We also have beautiful background images you can use to customize these templates. Check them out here.

You can also dress these up with our coloring pages and make your own Coloring Challenge Printables. Check them out here.

Take a look at some of the sample pages from the 30 Day challenge Templates pack below

How to use these templates in your business?
  • Add your own branding to the templates - E.g Your shop log, banner, and tag line.
  • Write a series of 30-day challenge posts on your blog and release one printable every day to your audience
  • Make a 30-day challenge course to practice kindness and share these templates as supporting material in the course. If you rather want to use the done-for-you 30 day challenge articles, check them out in the shop here-
  • Take the Random Acts of Kindness and make graphics for your social media accounts to increase engagement and following. We have also provided the 30-days of Social media graphics in the shop to help you in your promotions. Check them out here.
  • Edit the Canva Templates to add your own graphics, designs, and fonts to fully customize them!
  • Create countless more downloadable products with just one CANVA template!
  • Download your designs in PDF, JPG, or PNG format before selling them.


What you can do?

  •     YES, you can edit the templates only inside the Canva Templates
  •     YES, Text and images can be deleted
  •     YES, Can be branded as your own
  •     YES, the Completed product can be added to paid or free NON-PLR membership sites as motivational content for your members for their personal use only

What you can not do?

  • NO, you can copyright these Canva Templates
  • NO, You Cannot share the download page with others
  • NO, You Cannot pass on the PLR rights to others whether for sale, for free, or on a membership site. You must sell or give away a completed product only.
  • NO, you can give away, sell or share the Canva templates even if you change the templates
  • NO, You can not put our name/brand ( Dee Pawar or on the final flattened PNG/ JPG images or PDF format.


You will need to create a FREE account before purchasing any products. You will automatically be subscribed to our email newsletter. You can unsubscribe from our email newsletter at any time by logging into your membership dashboard. However, to access the products you already paid for, your account needs to be active.

You will receive instant access to the product in your Member account once you complete the shopping cart process. As this is an instantly downloadable digital product, sales are final, and no refunds, returns, or exchanges are offered. Please read our refund policy here.



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